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Yoga: Relax the Mind

Hosted by Mona Therese Winston

Immerse yourself in a tranquil oasis with acclaimed instructor Mona Therese Winston. As the sun kisses the horizon, Mona's soothing voice guides you through rejuvenating yoga poses by the whispering waves. Dive into a meditative journey, syncing breaths with gentle stretches, as tensions dissipate and serenity envelops your being. Feel the gentle ocean breeze reinvigorate your senses, leaving you with an unparalleled inner peace that transcends the shorelines.

Immerse yourself in a tranquil oasis with acclaimed instructor Mona Therese Winston. As the sun kisses the horizon, Mona's soothing voice guides you through rejuvenating yoga poses by the whispering waves. Dive into a meditative journey, syncing breaths with gentle stretches, as tensions dissipate and serenity envelops your being. Feel the gentle ocean breeze reinvigorate your senses, leaving you with an unparalleled inner peace that transcends the shorelines.


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