The Wonder of Egypt
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Week 223 - Jul 8 - Jul 14 , 2024

Join us for an inspiring week of programming dedicated to the wonders of Egypt—past and present. Guided by our experts, you can discover the ancient royal tomb of King Tutankhamen, uncover intriguing Egyptian history and learn how to prepare traditional Egyptian cuisine. Then, enjoy an illuminating look at our 12-day Pharaohs & Pyramids journey and find inspiration to plan your own Nile River journey on board one of our state-of-the-art ships.

Join us for an inspiring week of programming dedicated to the wonders of Egypt—past and present. Guided by our experts, you can discover the ancient royal tomb of King Tutankhamen, uncover intriguing Egyptian history and learn how to prepare traditional Egyptian cuisine. Then, enjoy an illuminating look at our 12-day Pharaohs & Pyramids journey and find inspiration to plan your own Nile River journey on board one of our state-of-the-art ships.
