Embark on a magical winter journey with renowned composer Debbie Wiseman OBE and celebrated gardener and storyteller Alan Titchmarsh MBE in "Jack Frost: A Winter Story." This enchanting tale reimagines the myth of Jack Frost through a unique blend of storytelling and music. Alan Titchmarsh’s evocative narration breathes life into a world blanketed in frost and wonder, while Debbie Wiseman’s compositions capture the crisp beauty of the winter landscape.
Featuring orchestral suites, piano solos, and two brand-new carols sung by award-winning soprano Grace Davidson and special guest Cerys Matthews with her son Red Abbott Matthews, this musical tale invites viewers of all ages to embrace the enchantment of the season. Tune in for a glimpse behind the scenes of this winter masterpiece, where music and storytelling combine to craft a timeless seasonal classic.