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Anne Diamond discusses penguins and the Antarctic environment with Ron Naveen of Oceanites

Hosted by Anne Diamond OBE and her guest Ron Naveen

Get a glimpse into the life and work of Ron Naveen, founder of Oceanitesone of our Viking Expeditions scientific partners—as he is interviewed by British journalist Anne Diamond. Ron has spent over 30 years studying and counting penguin populations in Antarctica through his organization Oceanites, which has worked to protect the Antarctic environment. While speaking with Anne, he offers his expertise on how to identify different penguin species and shares how Viking guests can contribute to Oceanites research projects.

Get a glimpse into the life and work of Ron Naveen, founder of Oceanitesone of our Viking Expeditions scientific partners—as he is interviewed by British journalist Anne Diamond. Ron has spent over 30 years studying and counting penguin populations in Antarctica through his organization Oceanites, which has worked to protect the Antarctic environment. While speaking with Anne, he offers his expertise on how to identify different penguin species and shares how Viking guests can contribute to Oceanites research projects.


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