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Learn how love is represented in ancient art with guest lecturer Dr. Emma Roberts

Hosted by Emma Roberts, PhD

Discover how the themes of love and romance are reflected in classical Greek sculptures with Liverpool-based guest lecturer Dr. Emma Roberts. Brought to life by skilled artists who masterfully release the human form from stone, these polished figures are extraordinary works of beauty. During her presentation, Dr. Roberts explores famous ancient sculptures, including Venus de Milo, the well-preserved masterpiece thought to depict Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and love.

Discover how the themes of love and romance are reflected in classical Greek sculptures with Liverpool-based guest lecturer Dr. Emma Roberts. Brought to life by skilled artists who masterfully release the human form from stone, these polished figures are extraordinary works of beauty. During her presentation, Dr. Roberts explores famous ancient sculptures, including Venus de Milo, the well-preserved masterpiece thought to depict Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and love.


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