Skúli Arason
Musician, DJ and Multimedia Producer
Born in the royal Kingdom of Denmark, multimedia expert Skúli Arason is certainly not your run-of-the-mill type. He earned a degree in tourism studies from the University of Iceland while also completing a year-long MA exchange program at the University of Copenhagen studying Danish language and literature. Skúli has also lived in a number of European countries and learned to speak several languages fluently.
In the past 12 years, Skúli has worked primarily in Reykjavík, Iceland, as a sales manager for the Tónastöðin music store and a project manager at Iceland Travel. His true passion, however, lies in photography and music, and he feels most in his element when in a studio recording and mixing. He is also equally enthusiastic about riding his bike, camping in the great outdoors, DJing a wide range of musical styles, drumming and simply losing himself in a good book.