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Trace the history of the Olympic Games with guest lecturer Sir David Durie

Hosted by Sir David Durie

Celebrate the coming of this years’ Olympic Games with a look back at its origins as guest lecturer Sir David Durie presents “The Story of the Olympic Games—Ancient & Modern.” Along with being an esteemed lecturer, Sir David has held numerous senior government positions, including governor and commander-in-chief of Gibraltar. In his enlightening presentation, he traces the history of the Olympics from its start in ancient Greece and its reestablishment in 1896 to its arrival in London in 2012. Following the lecture, test your Olympic Games knowledge and try going for the gold during a question and answer session.

Celebrate the coming of this years’ Olympic Games with a look back at its origins as guest lecturer Sir David Durie presents “The Story of the Olympic Games—Ancient & Modern.” Along with being an esteemed lecturer, Sir David has held numerous senior government positions, including governor and commander-in-chief of Gibraltar. In his enlightening presentation, he traces the history of the Olympics from its start in ancient Greece and its reestablishment in 1896 to its arrival in London in 2012. Following the lecture, test your Olympic Games knowledge and try going for the gold during a question and answer session.


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