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Alastair Miller in conversation with author Jamie Crawford

Hosted by Alastair Miller and his guest James Crawford

Alastair Miller is joined by Scottish author and broadcaster Jamie Crawford for an insightful interview about Jamie’s homeland and the current state of global geo-politics. Follow along as Jamie recounts his experiences in the broadcasting industry and provides tips for aspiring novelists. Learn more about his unique perspective on Scotland’s landscapes and hear tales from his book, Wild History: Journeys Through Lost Scotland. Then, enhance your understanding of how political and geographical borders shape our world today during a discussion on Jamie’s latest book, The Edge of the Plain: How Borders Make and Break Our World.

Alastair Miller is joined by Scottish author and broadcaster Jamie Crawford for an insightful interview about Jamie’s homeland and the current state of global geo-politics. Follow along as Jamie recounts his experiences in the broadcasting industry and provides tips for aspiring novelists. Learn more about his unique perspective on Scotland’s landscapes and hear tales from his book, Wild History: Journeys Through Lost Scotland. Then, enhance your understanding of how political and geographical borders shape our world today during a discussion on Jamie’s latest book, The Edge of the Plain: How Borders Make and Break Our World.


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