Gary Fildes

Gary Fildes

Lead Astronomer, Grassholme Observatory
United Kingdom

Gary Fildes is best known for his work as lead astronomer at Grassholme Observatory in the United Kingdom. After leaving school at age 16, Fildes worked as a bricklayer for 25 years before discovering his passion for astronomy. Despite not having a formal education in astronomy or academia, Fildes has become a respected and celebrated figure in his chosen field, inspiring others to explore the wonders of the night sky. 

In the late 1990s, Fildes joined the Sunderland Astronomical Society and began hosting Kielder Forest Star Camps, which sparked his interest in building an observatory. He led the effort to construct the Kielder Observatory, raising £450,000 through an open competition run by the Royal Institute of British Architects. The observatory was officially opened in 2008 by Sir Arnold Wolfendale, the 14th Astronomer Royal, and it has since become a popular attraction for stargazers and astronomy enthusiasts. 

Fildes's contributions to the field of astronomy have been recognized with numerous honors, including an honorary master's degree from Durham University and an honorary fellowship from Sunderland University.  

Gary Fildes on Viking.TV (2)