The choir's primary role is to sing daily services in the Cathedral, but the choir also undertakes a busy annual schedule of concerts, broadcasts, tours, and recordings.

Choristers of the Cathedral choir

Centuries of choral tradition

King Henry VIII established the Collegiate Foundation in 1546, including one Organist and eight Lay Clerks, plus provision for a schoolmaster to educate the choristers. In the last five hundred years, the choir has always been a central part of Christ Church; and many significant church musicians have been associated with it, from the first director of music John Taverner, to twentieth-century choristers and composers William Walton, Simon Preston and Howard Goodall.

Now the choral foundation consists of approximately sixteen Choristers (boys), educated at the Cathedral School; plus six Lay Clerks (professional adult singers) and six Academical Clerks (undergraduate choral scholars), in addition to the Director of Music (who bears the official historic title of ‘Organist’), the Sub-Organist, and one or two Organ Scholars. 

Find out more about joining the Cathedral Choir

Services with the choir

The normal weekly pattern of services for the Cathedral Choir is as follows:

11am: Sung Eucharist 
6pm: Evensong

6pm: Evensong

6pm: Evensong

The 6pm service on Monday does not usually involve the Cathedral Choir.

A portrait of organist Peter Holder in liturgical clothing, standing in the cloisters.

Director of Music

Music at the Cathedral is led by our Organist, Peter Holder. Peter directs and conducts the choir, and oversees the musical development of our choristers, organ scholars, and academical clerks. In his previous role as Sub-Organist of Westminster Abbey, Peter played for millions around the world as the accompanist at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II and the coronation of King Charles III.

Find out more about Peter Holder


Recordings of Choral Evensong at the Cathedral are often recorded and available to watch via YouTube.  

Christ Church Cathedral YouTube channel
Peter Holder conducts the cathedral choir in a performance of Handel's Messiah in the Cathedral. The boy and girl choristers and clerks are joined by a chamber orchestra playing 18th century style instruments, and 4 white tie wearing soloists.


The Cathedral Choir repertoire ranges from Renaissance polyphony to new commissions, embracing European baroque and Romantic, English Victorian, and contemporary music. In recent years, music has been commissioned from Cheryl Frances-Hoad, Piers Connor Kennedy and Ghislaine Rees-Trapp. Annual high points include Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem, performed on All Souls’ Day, and the JS Bach St John Passion, performed in Holy Week.